live on television

twoday was a strange day. just 24 hours before i heard that i'll have 3 interviews and right now they are allready done. it was great fun to speak to the public crowd of ecuador about music, djing and parties. it was also fun to see how they do the tv-things here in ecuador. the first two stations worked realy simple and provisorional. but it worked. there was no one which is putting make-up on my face and putting my hears in the right direction (which is dificult anyway) like it is in switzerland. so finaly we ended up in the ramón antigua where i showed my skills to the camera as well. i also gave my second interview in spanish which was quite dificult but it worked. probably if i have once more expreience with spanish i'll laugh about what i was telling to the ecuatorian public.
turon - 4. Mai, 01:54