
as we arrived at the 17.04 in the rainforest i understood the meening of 'rain' in the word rainforest. i can tell you it was raining like it would never end but that actually was the only day like this. all the others have been great, lots of sun but also allways with some cloads, mostly very very humid and sweating is what i did all day long. every second day a quick shower came up but that was somhow also a refreshment. in fact that it is hot all the time the little shacks don't have even glass in the windows wich leads to lots of insects and spiders all over the place and so all the beds have meshes. the mosquitos are also the reason for realy strong antiinsectcream and thats absolutely neccessary for survive the time in the jungle. another important thing have been the boots cos there is lots of swamp and very humid ground everywhere. the forest itself is great and chaotic trees are growing from trees which are growing from other trees and i can tell you those trees can be big and like i've never seen them before.
turon - 23. Apr, 21:57